It's the most wonderful time of the year! Yes that is part of a song but what a true statement!! I absolutely love this time of year. The weather is getting cooler (sometimes still warm but for the most part I am NOT sweating!), Christmas decorations are going up, Christmas music is on the radio, the kids are just ecstatic about everything and it is a time where people are GIVING, not always taking or wanting!!!
I think this is going to be one of my favorite Christmases. The kids are really into it. They know that not only is God always watching you but so is Santa. Well, then there is our little friend the Elf! He watches them too. He came to visit us on Sunday. They were so excited to see him - they laugh at the places he moves to. Now the cheap mom that I am I did not buy the official elf on the shelf. last year I found a cheap stuffed elf and bought him for a couple of bucks. It's the idea, right?!! Everyday this week on our drive home from the sitter's house Calleigh about busts out of her seat each time she sees a house with lights up!! It is just so amusing to watch. I love that kid! They both have lots of ideas on what Santa will and should bring them. Some gifts they want they want Grandma to give them, not Santa. Too funny.
We went on Sunday to cut down our tree. Preston picked it out and it's perfect. Well, almost perfect. It is up in the house naked. No lights or decorations on it yet - hoping to do that this weekend!
Preston is doing great in Kindergarten. I had his IEP meeting today with his teacher and speech therapist. They just adore him! How could you not - he is the sweetest and cutest boy ever!!! He is writing sentences and sounding out the words to know how to spell them. I was amazed when I saw his journal. How far he has come in just a few months of school. I am so proud!
Calleigh is doing great at her preschool. She is learning some Spanish. She knows a few colors and numbers 1-10. Amazing. She is one smart cookie I tell you.
Both kids are excited about the baby. We are having another girl. Preston was a bit disappointed that it's a girl, even told me to have another one and it be a boy. Now I think he has accepted the fact and is looking forward to teaching her things like how to sit up and read!! He's an awesome big brother. Calleigh can't wait to play peek a boo with her!!
I think that is about everything for now. I am doing ok. I have been told I have placenta previa so am on a lifting and strenuous activity ban. I go back tomorrow for my monthly appointment. I want to know all the things I need to do to keep this baby safe. No strenuous activity or lifting is hard when you have 2 little ones but Terry has been great and has let me have some days on the weekends to relax. I need that as much as I can!!
Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts. I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Been too Long
I apologize for how long it has been since I have posted! I keep forgetting I started the blog. So, what has been happening.
Preston finished up his fall T-ball season. He really had fun and loved having Daddy be his coach. The highlight of his season of course was the end of season party. We met at the fields, played some wiffle ball with the parents, ate some pizza and then the trophies! Preston loves his. He has a shelf for all his trophies. For Halloween Preston was a race car driver. I have to say the cutest one I've ever seen!! I know he would love to race cars for real. He was able to go to school one evening and trick or treat around to the different classes. He loved being back at school. I hope his love of school continues - he got upset when we checked him out to take him to my ultrasound! He is reading several sight words and doing awesome with his phonics. Not sure when he grew up but man is he a big kid!!! We also got him some bunk beds and rearranged his room. He has more room now and if we have anyone visit we at least will have 1 bed ready!!
Calleigh loved her birthday. Not long after her birthday we redid her room to make it a big girl room. We took down the baby border and painted above the chair rail pink. Yes, pink because my daughter loves it - what a surprise! She now has a double bed. The little stinker had to point out that we didn't paint under the chair rail (it was a sage green). I said what would you want to paint it and she said purple. Sorry baby but it looks great the way it is. We can now start to look at the bonus room and get it ready for the baby. Calleigh loved Halloween. For most of the activities she was a gorgeous fairy. Halloween night I was a little tired of seeing the fairy costume so we put her in one of her princess dress up dresses. She of course was beautiful! She enjoyed trick or treating so much she keeps asking to go again! She is doing great with her preschool. She has learned a few words in Spanish. She is one smart little girl!
The baby. Well this baby is going to keep me on my toes. We had our 20 week ultrasound last Friday. It is another girl! Preston was a bit disappointed because he really wanted a little brother. He told me we could have another baby and have a boy. Sorry, son but this is it!!! The doctor told me that the nuchal measurement was a bit high so she wanted me to see a specialist. Yesterday Terry and I went. We were a little nervous as we were told that this measurement could be a sign of Down Syndrome. They did a 2D ultrasound. That was pretty cool. We got to see her face a little better. The ultrasound tech told me that she was looking for other abnormalities but did not see any - baby is growing (I am actually measuring 2 weeks ahead), bones look good, heart looks good. The doctor came in and said that based on the nuchal measurement and my age that I do have an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities. The only way to really know is to do an amniocentesis. Terry and I are still discussing but I am not sure I am ready to risk the baby at all to find out. I am confident she is FINE!!! I just will pray for her everyday and ask for friends and family to pray. The doctor also pointed out that I have marginal placenta previa. No lifting, strenuous activities or marital relations for a little while. They will have to do another ultrasound in a few weeks to check on it. I am hoping that as the baby and my uterus grow it will correct itself. If not it could lead to bed rest and a c-section. I would love to have a vaginal birth and can't imagine bed rest!!! So, fingers crossed and prayers that this corrects itself.
That is the gyst of what has been going on with the Lambs the last couple of months. Right now it is almost time for the house divided football game - Auburn vs. UGA! Good thing my husband and I love each other enough that it NEVER effects our relationship. I have heard how couples don't talk and get mad at each other - doesn't make sense. It's just a game. Granted I have a strong hatred for UGA but couldn't change my love for my husband because he roots for the wrong team!!!
Preston finished up his fall T-ball season. He really had fun and loved having Daddy be his coach. The highlight of his season of course was the end of season party. We met at the fields, played some wiffle ball with the parents, ate some pizza and then the trophies! Preston loves his. He has a shelf for all his trophies. For Halloween Preston was a race car driver. I have to say the cutest one I've ever seen!! I know he would love to race cars for real. He was able to go to school one evening and trick or treat around to the different classes. He loved being back at school. I hope his love of school continues - he got upset when we checked him out to take him to my ultrasound! He is reading several sight words and doing awesome with his phonics. Not sure when he grew up but man is he a big kid!!! We also got him some bunk beds and rearranged his room. He has more room now and if we have anyone visit we at least will have 1 bed ready!!
Calleigh loved her birthday. Not long after her birthday we redid her room to make it a big girl room. We took down the baby border and painted above the chair rail pink. Yes, pink because my daughter loves it - what a surprise! She now has a double bed. The little stinker had to point out that we didn't paint under the chair rail (it was a sage green). I said what would you want to paint it and she said purple. Sorry baby but it looks great the way it is. We can now start to look at the bonus room and get it ready for the baby. Calleigh loved Halloween. For most of the activities she was a gorgeous fairy. Halloween night I was a little tired of seeing the fairy costume so we put her in one of her princess dress up dresses. She of course was beautiful! She enjoyed trick or treating so much she keeps asking to go again! She is doing great with her preschool. She has learned a few words in Spanish. She is one smart little girl!
The baby. Well this baby is going to keep me on my toes. We had our 20 week ultrasound last Friday. It is another girl! Preston was a bit disappointed because he really wanted a little brother. He told me we could have another baby and have a boy. Sorry, son but this is it!!! The doctor told me that the nuchal measurement was a bit high so she wanted me to see a specialist. Yesterday Terry and I went. We were a little nervous as we were told that this measurement could be a sign of Down Syndrome. They did a 2D ultrasound. That was pretty cool. We got to see her face a little better. The ultrasound tech told me that she was looking for other abnormalities but did not see any - baby is growing (I am actually measuring 2 weeks ahead), bones look good, heart looks good. The doctor came in and said that based on the nuchal measurement and my age that I do have an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities. The only way to really know is to do an amniocentesis. Terry and I are still discussing but I am not sure I am ready to risk the baby at all to find out. I am confident she is FINE!!! I just will pray for her everyday and ask for friends and family to pray. The doctor also pointed out that I have marginal placenta previa. No lifting, strenuous activities or marital relations for a little while. They will have to do another ultrasound in a few weeks to check on it. I am hoping that as the baby and my uterus grow it will correct itself. If not it could lead to bed rest and a c-section. I would love to have a vaginal birth and can't imagine bed rest!!! So, fingers crossed and prayers that this corrects itself.
That is the gyst of what has been going on with the Lambs the last couple of months. Right now it is almost time for the house divided football game - Auburn vs. UGA! Good thing my husband and I love each other enough that it NEVER effects our relationship. I have heard how couples don't talk and get mad at each other - doesn't make sense. It's just a game. Granted I have a strong hatred for UGA but couldn't change my love for my husband because he roots for the wrong team!!!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Time Flies-My baby is 3
Where does the time go? My baby girl turned 3 today. She was so excited to have a birthday she couldn't fall asleep for her nap. All I could think was "Oh my what fun she will be - NOT!". When she was supposed to be sleeping she first put ALL of her hairbows in her hair. I will have to post that picture. I told her that I needed her to sleep so she is ready for her party and so that I could wrap her presents. I managed to keep her upstairs long enough to wrap her presents. She came down stairs and was so excited and ready to open them. She also wanted to have her cake. It was killing her to wait another hour for her friends and family to come over! For a little girl without a nap she actually did very well. She only melted down once and that was when she was told to blow out her candle on her cake. I am not sure why that made her cry but she did. Daddy to the rescue - he hugged her then encouraged her to blow the cake out and helped her. Calleigh had so much fun I don't think she knew what to do. She flew through opening her presents - barely looking at what she got before opening the next one. That's what 3 year olds do, right?! My friend Manny, her Godfather, was the last to leave and boy she has him wrapped around her finger! She had him getting her a hot dog, juice, letting her play in his van, and who knows what else! I loved watching her with him. He truly is an "uncle" to her. What a blessing to have such a wonderful friend in my life who my children adore!! Calleigh loves people but tends to get shy, especially around men. Not with Manny. She was upset when it was time for him to leave.
Every year on my kids' birthdays I reminisce about the day they were born. Terry often laughs at me for doing this. This year he did it with me, reminding me of some little things I had forgotten. The one this year was that he reminded me how Calleigh "meowed/cooed" constantly for the first day of her life. It was a constant sound she made. It was the cutest thing. I think that was our clue that she would be a talker!!!
These last 3 years have gone as quickly as she came out! The doctor wasn't ready when I was ready to start pushing. He kept trying to get me to wait while he put on his shoe covers. I said I'm pushing! He realized I wasn't playing. Calleigh was a fairly easy delivery - as easy as 9lbs 8ozs can be!!!
As I get older and my children get older, I realize that I need to savor every second that I can. I always have appreciated the time I get to spend with them but I don't feel like I get enough of it! When I am with my family I try my best to enjoy every moment and not lose my patience at little things. That part is hard because after working all day and having things I know I need to do at home (and being hormonal!) little things the kids do can set me off. Times like these I have to remind myself that I won't have these moments for long. Before long they will be all grown up and not needing me anymore. They won't be asking me to open their juice box, watch them play family, sit in the bathroom with them, etc. These moments are precious. Time is precious. I love my kids and my husband with all my heart. I don't know what I would do without them. I am truly blessed. If only there was a way for me to spend EVERY second of EVERY day enjoying them!!!
Every year on my kids' birthdays I reminisce about the day they were born. Terry often laughs at me for doing this. This year he did it with me, reminding me of some little things I had forgotten. The one this year was that he reminded me how Calleigh "meowed/cooed" constantly for the first day of her life. It was a constant sound she made. It was the cutest thing. I think that was our clue that she would be a talker!!!
These last 3 years have gone as quickly as she came out! The doctor wasn't ready when I was ready to start pushing. He kept trying to get me to wait while he put on his shoe covers. I said I'm pushing! He realized I wasn't playing. Calleigh was a fairly easy delivery - as easy as 9lbs 8ozs can be!!!
As I get older and my children get older, I realize that I need to savor every second that I can. I always have appreciated the time I get to spend with them but I don't feel like I get enough of it! When I am with my family I try my best to enjoy every moment and not lose my patience at little things. That part is hard because after working all day and having things I know I need to do at home (and being hormonal!) little things the kids do can set me off. Times like these I have to remind myself that I won't have these moments for long. Before long they will be all grown up and not needing me anymore. They won't be asking me to open their juice box, watch them play family, sit in the bathroom with them, etc. These moments are precious. Time is precious. I love my kids and my husband with all my heart. I don't know what I would do without them. I am truly blessed. If only there was a way for me to spend EVERY second of EVERY day enjoying them!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Where Were You?
What a day. 10 years ago I was in the bus lane getting my kids off the buses (I taught special ed). One parent drove by telling us that a plane hit the World Trade Center. We were all a little confused so just kept doing what we were doing and listening as parents came through. When we got to the classroom I turned our TV on. All we could think was "Oh my ghosh! Is this real?". We were told to turn tvs off because there were students in the building with family in New York or parents who travel, were pilots, flight attendants, etc. We still had a radio so had that on because it was too hard to get to our library to watch the tv in there. I rushed home after school and was thankful my dad was in town. I was glued to the TV. I just kept thinking that they would find people alive and that it couldn't be that bad. My positive thinking I guess. Of course I was wrong. It was an emotional day that I don't think anyone alive will forget.
Today, the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I did the same thing. I sat in front of the TV for most of the day watching coverage. One channel actually showed about an hour of Good Morning America from that morning. I wanted to hear the stories. It seems more have come out. Again I was emotional and in disbelief. Did this really happen to us? It did.
I thank our military, firefighters, police and all service personnel for what you do to keep our country safe. God Bless the USA! Never Forget.
Today, the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I did the same thing. I sat in front of the TV for most of the day watching coverage. One channel actually showed about an hour of Good Morning America from that morning. I wanted to hear the stories. It seems more have come out. Again I was emotional and in disbelief. Did this really happen to us? It did.
I thank our military, firefighters, police and all service personnel for what you do to keep our country safe. God Bless the USA! Never Forget.
Tropical Storm Lee
Call us crazy but Labor Day weekend we went to Destin, FL even though a tropical storm was coming! We had made plans with friends back in June to go for the weekend. We were not going to let a little weather stop us! What a National Lampoon Vacation it was! It took the one family 9 hours to get there (We made it in 5 1/2 hours) due to lost GPS signal, incorrect directions, baby diaper changes and basically everything you could think of happening. I felt so bad for them. Preston kept asking when they were going to be there. The other family that went with us made it a little after we did after passing a sign that said "Your GPS is wrong. Turn around!". Gotta love that and the fact there were about 10 cars going the same way!
Saturday we hit the beach. Waves were crazy and it was a double red flag. We didn't care. We just weren't going to let the kids get in past the knees. They were all so excited to be at the ocean. Preston even laid on his belly in the sand and water. I was so excited for them even though it was windy. Then along comes the beach patrol telling everyone to get out of the water. Bummer. So we went closer to the house and let the kids play in the sand there. One family was smart and brought an inflatable pool that we blew up and filled up with the hose. The kids loved this - it wasn't the same as the ocean but they got the sand and water, right? Problem only came after about an hour when they all started to get cold!
It rained off and on the whole weekend. Luckily it wasn't a constant rain but enough to drive you stir crazy. Our house had leaks so we had about 4 buckets in the living room catching the drips. I meant to take a picture of it and just never got around to it. I actually didn't get nearly as many pictures as I wanted (those that know me know I take pictures of everything!) Part of the reason is my camera battery died 1/2 way through Sunday. I had my charger. Until the following week I didn't realize that I put the battery in backwards in the charger therefore it didn't charge. I blame pregnancy head!
Sunday we looked for some indoor activities to do that would get us out of the house. Everyone else had the same idea I guess. We landed on a little Kids' Science Museum. I mean little too when you have all these people coming and going and it is set up like a house with lots of little rooms! The kids seemed to really enjoy it though. We were then off to an early dinner. Great restaurant. Dewey Destin I believe was the name. The kids loved the outside area where we waited. Afterward the men decided that they were no longer going to let the tropical storm win. Out to the ocean they went. Preston, Calleigh and I watched as Daddy went in the ocean. Preston got scared and kept saying he didn't want his Daddy to get lost. I think this came from the fact that the majority of our time we were laughing at the people going in the ocean and calling them crazy. Now it was us! Calleigh couldn't hold back any more. She ran to Daddy and went in with him. Terry said she had a ball. I had to go inside with Preston who after some time playing in the sand had a bout of diarrhea that needed to be bathed. Calleigh was just adorable though when they did come in - "Mommy, the ocean pulled down my pants!". I let her go in in her clothes and apparently one of the waves pulled her pants down. Where was I and my camera?!!
The kids hated to leave on Monday, mainly I think because they really didn't get the time they wanted/needed in the water. We went to IHOP for lunch then all left our various ways (I say various because we all live within a few miles of each other we apparently each get different GPS directions!). Traffic was a little crazy but the National Lampoon Vacation continued. We ignored GPS when it told us to get on 10 to go through Dothan. NO! That was the long way. We ended up on 10 because we came to a T intersection and I was 1/2 asleep so we turned right instead of left. UGH. Dothan and Eufaula were just a bunch of cars in small towns. Took us 6 1/2 hours to get home. One family made it in the 5 1/2 hours. The family that took 9 hours to get down there - went the short way home but their luck hit in Montgomery. They stopped for lunch and when they looked at their tires, one or 2 were bulging. Off to Walmart and a new set of tires. 3 hour wait. Another 9 hour trip.
I think we all need another trip with actual relaxing and sunshine! I must say, if I have to be stuck out of town in a tropical storm, we were stuck with some great friends (and great cookies!). Can't wait until next Labor Day for our next beach adventure together!

Saturday we hit the beach. Waves were crazy and it was a double red flag. We didn't care. We just weren't going to let the kids get in past the knees. They were all so excited to be at the ocean. Preston even laid on his belly in the sand and water. I was so excited for them even though it was windy. Then along comes the beach patrol telling everyone to get out of the water. Bummer. So we went closer to the house and let the kids play in the sand there. One family was smart and brought an inflatable pool that we blew up and filled up with the hose. The kids loved this - it wasn't the same as the ocean but they got the sand and water, right? Problem only came after about an hour when they all started to get cold!
It rained off and on the whole weekend. Luckily it wasn't a constant rain but enough to drive you stir crazy. Our house had leaks so we had about 4 buckets in the living room catching the drips. I meant to take a picture of it and just never got around to it. I actually didn't get nearly as many pictures as I wanted (those that know me know I take pictures of everything!) Part of the reason is my camera battery died 1/2 way through Sunday. I had my charger. Until the following week I didn't realize that I put the battery in backwards in the charger therefore it didn't charge. I blame pregnancy head!
Sunday we looked for some indoor activities to do that would get us out of the house. Everyone else had the same idea I guess. We landed on a little Kids' Science Museum. I mean little too when you have all these people coming and going and it is set up like a house with lots of little rooms! The kids seemed to really enjoy it though. We were then off to an early dinner. Great restaurant. Dewey Destin I believe was the name. The kids loved the outside area where we waited. Afterward the men decided that they were no longer going to let the tropical storm win. Out to the ocean they went. Preston, Calleigh and I watched as Daddy went in the ocean. Preston got scared and kept saying he didn't want his Daddy to get lost. I think this came from the fact that the majority of our time we were laughing at the people going in the ocean and calling them crazy. Now it was us! Calleigh couldn't hold back any more. She ran to Daddy and went in with him. Terry said she had a ball. I had to go inside with Preston who after some time playing in the sand had a bout of diarrhea that needed to be bathed. Calleigh was just adorable though when they did come in - "Mommy, the ocean pulled down my pants!". I let her go in in her clothes and apparently one of the waves pulled her pants down. Where was I and my camera?!!
The kids hated to leave on Monday, mainly I think because they really didn't get the time they wanted/needed in the water. We went to IHOP for lunch then all left our various ways (I say various because we all live within a few miles of each other we apparently each get different GPS directions!). Traffic was a little crazy but the National Lampoon Vacation continued. We ignored GPS when it told us to get on 10 to go through Dothan. NO! That was the long way. We ended up on 10 because we came to a T intersection and I was 1/2 asleep so we turned right instead of left. UGH. Dothan and Eufaula were just a bunch of cars in small towns. Took us 6 1/2 hours to get home. One family made it in the 5 1/2 hours. The family that took 9 hours to get down there - went the short way home but their luck hit in Montgomery. They stopped for lunch and when they looked at their tires, one or 2 were bulging. Off to Walmart and a new set of tires. 3 hour wait. Another 9 hour trip.
I think we all need another trip with actual relaxing and sunshine! I must say, if I have to be stuck out of town in a tropical storm, we were stuck with some great friends (and great cookies!). Can't wait until next Labor Day for our next beach adventure together!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
My kids crack me up! The last two nights they have played family. Preston is the Daddy and Calleigh is the Mommy. Yesterday Preston moved their kid table to be next to the loveseat so that the "baby" could be sitting on the couch next to them and at the same level! It was such a smart idea - he had the baby bouncy seat first and realized the baby would be on the ground. They apparently were at a restaurant on the "big truck road" (that is what Preston calls the highway!) Tonight they played again. Preston was driving and Calleigh was in the backseat with the baby. It is so cute! I love watching them play so nicely. Of course we do have our moments of fighting but overall they are sweet.
I was talking to my Dad the other day and told him that I am so thankful for my kids. I have awesome kids. They are so sweet and well behaved. We never had to baby proof the house - no cabinet locks, outlet covers, things off shelf, etc. They never tried to really get into anything. Once out of a crib, they didn't try to leave their room. Calleigh does get books occasionally and put them in her bed but that's ok. She doesn't leave her room and she is quiet! As infants they were (and still are) good sleepers. Of course as I was saying all this to my dad, I patted my tummy and told Peanut that I hope you continue the trend and is good!!
Tomorrow we get to go to the beach with some friends. We are all excited. Now we have to hope that this Caribbean wave that is coming doesn't turn into a tropical storm and we have rain all weekend! No matter what, we will have good friends and good times!!
I was talking to my Dad the other day and told him that I am so thankful for my kids. I have awesome kids. They are so sweet and well behaved. We never had to baby proof the house - no cabinet locks, outlet covers, things off shelf, etc. They never tried to really get into anything. Once out of a crib, they didn't try to leave their room. Calleigh does get books occasionally and put them in her bed but that's ok. She doesn't leave her room and she is quiet! As infants they were (and still are) good sleepers. Of course as I was saying all this to my dad, I patted my tummy and told Peanut that I hope you continue the trend and is good!!
Tomorrow we get to go to the beach with some friends. We are all excited. Now we have to hope that this Caribbean wave that is coming doesn't turn into a tropical storm and we have rain all weekend! No matter what, we will have good friends and good times!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Telling the Kids!
Well I just couldn't wait another 2 weeks to tell the kids about the baby. We decided to tell them this morning. I told them that there is something in my tummy - do you know what it is? I told them that there is a baby in my tummy - we are going to have a baby! They both got really excited. Preston said it's a boy baby and Calleigh said no it's a girl baby. We may have to find out just to keep the arguing under control!!! Terry told them how they can't jump on me and push on my tummy. I then told them how my tummy will get bigger and bigger. Preston fell down laughing! They both then came over to touch my belly. Preston rubbed it, kissed it and said hi to the baby. It was so sweet! Now, let's hope they stay so excited!
I did take a little video of us telling them then the camera died! Will figure out how to post soon.
I did take a little video of us telling them then the camera died! Will figure out how to post soon.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
First Haircut and Open House
It has been a busy week. I should have posted sooner! Saturday Calleigh got her first haircut. She was such a big girl! It wasn't a huge cut but it definitely evened it out and looks so cute. I think we will grow her bangs out though. She looks so cute when I pull them back.
Tonight Preston had his open house for Kindergarten. He was so tired on the way there that he kept saying, "Mommy I am tired. I don't want to go to school". Of course it was in his whiny voice. We promised it wouldn't be long and that he could have a surprise after (dinner out). I carried him from the van to the building (no I shouldn't be doing it but it is hard to resist! he's so cute!). As soon as we got in he saw the school Wolf (mascot) and gave it a hug. Then we caught up with his friend Jason and it was on. The boy perked up and was so excited we couldn't keep up with him! He was excited to show us the pictures hanging outside his classroom then his journals. Oh my gosh, so cute!!!! He then walked us around the room to show us the different things/centers. I literally couldn't keep up! While his teacher talked he sat in the reading area with his friends and was having a blast. It was great to see how quickly he has made friends and that he is enjoying himself. Calleigh fit right in too. She went over there with her brother and jumped in and played too! I know my girl - she did it easily because her brother was right there. If he hadn't been she would have been clinging to me.
I can't tell you how proud of my kids I am. They are such good and sweet kids. Calleigh is LOVING her new sitter. I am so happy but yet it hurts too. As a mom I want to be the one to do a lot of the things they are doing together with her. I told her that tomorrow she can have some Mommy and Calleigh time and she said she wants the sitter too! Like I said, it makes me SO happy that she is happy and learning so much but it's hard for me to see her wanting the sitter more than me! Terry says he understands and that now I know how he feels. Calleigh usually does this to him but it's because she wants Mommy. I hope I am able to not be so jealous as time goes on and just be glad my daughter is happy and in good hands. Until then, I love getting texts throughout the day of tidbits she has done, picture messages of her playing and learning and most of all leaving my daughter laughing as I go to work. It is much better than leaving her crying!!!
This weekend will be a busy one again. Saturday I will be working for our annual run while Terry takes Calleigh to dance. Then Preston has his first fall tball practice in the afternoon. Terry is the head coach so that will be fun. We get to see a dear friend, Manny, for dinner. He is Calleigh's Godfather. We haven't seen him in several months - he is in for a shock when he sees her and her sassyness!!!
Tonight Preston had his open house for Kindergarten. He was so tired on the way there that he kept saying, "Mommy I am tired. I don't want to go to school". Of course it was in his whiny voice. We promised it wouldn't be long and that he could have a surprise after (dinner out). I carried him from the van to the building (no I shouldn't be doing it but it is hard to resist! he's so cute!). As soon as we got in he saw the school Wolf (mascot) and gave it a hug. Then we caught up with his friend Jason and it was on. The boy perked up and was so excited we couldn't keep up with him! He was excited to show us the pictures hanging outside his classroom then his journals. Oh my gosh, so cute!!!! He then walked us around the room to show us the different things/centers. I literally couldn't keep up! While his teacher talked he sat in the reading area with his friends and was having a blast. It was great to see how quickly he has made friends and that he is enjoying himself. Calleigh fit right in too. She went over there with her brother and jumped in and played too! I know my girl - she did it easily because her brother was right there. If he hadn't been she would have been clinging to me.
I can't tell you how proud of my kids I am. They are such good and sweet kids. Calleigh is LOVING her new sitter. I am so happy but yet it hurts too. As a mom I want to be the one to do a lot of the things they are doing together with her. I told her that tomorrow she can have some Mommy and Calleigh time and she said she wants the sitter too! Like I said, it makes me SO happy that she is happy and learning so much but it's hard for me to see her wanting the sitter more than me! Terry says he understands and that now I know how he feels. Calleigh usually does this to him but it's because she wants Mommy. I hope I am able to not be so jealous as time goes on and just be glad my daughter is happy and in good hands. Until then, I love getting texts throughout the day of tidbits she has done, picture messages of her playing and learning and most of all leaving my daughter laughing as I go to work. It is much better than leaving her crying!!!
This weekend will be a busy one again. Saturday I will be working for our annual run while Terry takes Calleigh to dance. Then Preston has his first fall tball practice in the afternoon. Terry is the head coach so that will be fun. We get to see a dear friend, Manny, for dinner. He is Calleigh's Godfather. We haven't seen him in several months - he is in for a shock when he sees her and her sassyness!!!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Childhood Dreams
Saturday Calleigh had her first dance class. She was excited but when we got there got to be her usual clingy self. I let her go to the assistant and just walked out of the room. She sat with her hands in her mouth for a little while but after about 20 minutes she started to participate. I was so proud of her because I was afraid it would take her a couple of classes to warm up. She got so into it she didn't want me taking her picture and hid behind the assistant! After class she didn't want to come with me and actually told me that she didn't want me to come next time! So grown and independent.

So we are on week 2 of kindergarten. Preston got a note yesterday and today about talking in line in the hallway. This surprises me because he is usually my quiet one! He told me the first time he was talking to himself, Monday to the wall and today to his friend in line in front of him. Oh my boy! He is doing well though and loves walking to his class by himself. At dinner tonight he asked if when he gets big if he can be a police man. I said sure. Then he said "Can I fix cars?". Of course you can. He then said, "what about building houses?". I told him he can do whatever he wants to do. It would not surprise me if he did all of the above!!! So interesting what they say they want to be.

So we are on week 2 of kindergarten. Preston got a note yesterday and today about talking in line in the hallway. This surprises me because he is usually my quiet one! He told me the first time he was talking to himself, Monday to the wall and today to his friend in line in front of him. Oh my boy! He is doing well though and loves walking to his class by himself. At dinner tonight he asked if when he gets big if he can be a police man. I said sure. Then he said "Can I fix cars?". Of course you can. He then said, "what about building houses?". I told him he can do whatever he wants to do. It would not surprise me if he did all of the above!!! So interesting what they say they want to be.
Friday, August 12, 2011
We made it to Friday!!! It has been such a busy and emotional week with Preston starting Kindergarten, Calleigh with her new sitter, and getting to see the peanut of a new baby. Preston has done great this week. He is totally exhausted and was asleep by 7:30 last night. He did get a little note on his behavior sheet yesterday for talking when he was supposed to be listening. When I asked him about it he said they were in the hallway and he was talking and they are supposed to be quiet. I asked who he was talking to and he said himself! Oh my child and his creativity - I bet he was having a great conversation with himself or making his car sounds. Yesterday I tried letting go a little more and just dropped him off in the morning rather than parking and walking him to class. He was excited to walk by himself to his classroom. I teared up more yesterday morning than I did on Monday because he looked so grown up with his back pack and lunch bag walking into the building. I am so proud of him. The only problem with this drop off idea is that I can't watch him as he walks! I had cars ready to hit me to get me to move because I was too busy turned around trying to watch him! Not a good idea when your vehicle is moving!
Tomorrow Calleigh has her very first dance class. We bought her new tights and ballet shoes. My sister in law loaned us her leotard and I found a couple more at a consignment sale last night for a couple of dollars (I love consignment sales and thrift stores but that is a whole other topic!). She is very excited but I have to call her shoes dance shoes, not ballet shoes!!! She has had a total blast this week with her sitter. She has learned the letter A and it's sound and is tracing so much better too! I think her favorite thing is that her sitter bought her a pair of flip flops like her. She is in heaven! I get texts of pictures of her in different dresses she plays in. Today was a Southern Belle dress. Too precious.
Tomorrow Calleigh has her very first dance class. We bought her new tights and ballet shoes. My sister in law loaned us her leotard and I found a couple more at a consignment sale last night for a couple of dollars (I love consignment sales and thrift stores but that is a whole other topic!). She is very excited but I have to call her shoes dance shoes, not ballet shoes!!! She has had a total blast this week with her sitter. She has learned the letter A and it's sound and is tracing so much better too! I think her favorite thing is that her sitter bought her a pair of flip flops like her. She is in heaven! I get texts of pictures of her in different dresses she plays in. Today was a Southern Belle dress. Too precious.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Baby Lamb III
Well it is official. There will be another member to our family come March 2012! We have known for a couple of weeks but wanted to go to the doctor before we started to tell anyone. This baby is a total surprise! I have been on birth control so when I was late I was thinking we were pregnant - I'm never late, usually early! We took 3 tests. Yes, 3. The first one was expired so to be sure I bought another box. Of course since it had 2 we took one right away and another in the morning. We are very excited. Of course since it wasn't planned there is now a lot of planning to do! What room will we put the baby in? Will we find out what we are having? We didn't with the other 2. Names - we used both names we love! We don't have back ups! Daycare - Preston started kindergarten and Calleigh at a church preschool so who will keep the baby? Luckily we have 9 months to think about it!! We are still going to wait to tell the kids until our next doctor's appointment. I am confident everything is fine but God forbid something did happen we want to wait so we don't have to explain that to the kids. Although, they must be sensing things because Calleigh asked me yesterday if I had a baby in my tummy. I ignored her. Last week she told her Grandma she had a fat tummy and that she must have a baby in there! Last Monday I was walking with the kids, holding their hands, and said I had my 2 babies. Preston said "You can have 3 babies Mommy". I am thinking their ears are working better than I think - they hear me talking to Terry and our families! So, here's to playing the zone defense!!! No more man to man coverage!!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
All Grown Up
Well I guess it's official, my little boy is all grown up! Today was his first day of kindergarten. We have a rough morning but we made it. He woke up a couple times during the night (once because Calleigh woke him up with her crying and the other time because his nose was running) so he was a little tired to start the morning. I thought I had everything ready to go but apparently I didn't! We spent about 10 minutes trying to find his shoes! When he finally got them on he complained the show was twisted - not sure what was going on with that. We left a few minutes later than I wanted and he whined the whole way to school: "I'm so tired", "My shoe still hurts", "I don't want to eat". Now I was more nervous that he was going to whiny on his first day and not enjoy it than I was about him growing up and leaving me. What a change when we pulled into the parking lot! We got out and he was a totally different child. He was now grown up and ready for school. We walked in the building and he pointed out the orange crayon he is supposed to look for over his door. He walked into the room and the teacher told him to pick a seat so he did. He put his backpack on the chair, got a crayon and began coloring. It was like he had been there forever. He forgot we were even there!!! I hugged him and kissed him then got ready to leave but felt as if I was missing and forgetting to do something. What else was I to do? He was fine and I didn't really have anything to inform the teacher so I guess Mommy was done. I asked Calleigh if she wanted to give him a hug goodbye and she said no. Daddy gave him one last hug and words of encouragement and we left. I didn't cry! I was amazed. Calleigh was sad because this is the first time they haven't been in the same building during the day. She said, "Mommy, Preston didn't hug me goodbye!" I had to remind her that it was her that didn't want to hug. It took her a few minutes to be okay but once we got her to her new teacher she was fine. I was more emotional picking Preston up this afternoon. When the lady called his name on the radio to say his ride was here I felt so proud. I don't know what about it made me start to get emotional but I did. Then I saw him coming out of the building. Wow - did he grow while he was there? He looked like such a big boy! He got in the van and immediately had to tell us about lunch and how he had to get a milk or chocolate milk. He had chicken nuggets, potatoes and applesauce. Someone tried to talk to him but he was busy eating! He was so happy. It was really at that moment that I teared up. I can remember the days of picking him up from daycare and asking him what he did and he couldn't tell me - his language hadn't developed enough and he didn't understand. Now he was able to give me details! I am a proud Mommy today. He must have worked hard today because he fell asleep on the way home. I love my little guy!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Letting Go
What a week! Preston went roller skating for the first time with his day care on Thursday. He had a blast until he got home and complained his feet hurt. We shook it off as he was just tired. After being in bed and asleep for 2 hours he woke up crying. He wouldn't let us touch his feet and was inconsolable. We gave him some Tylenol and made the decision to take him to the ER to be sure nothing was broken. The kid was happy go lucky when he saw the doc! It turns out they think it was a severe strain of the tendons on the bottom of his foot. We felt a little silly being there but our luck if we didn't go he would have had a broken bone and we would have felt horrible for not taking him!!
Today, my little boy showed me how grown up he is. We went to meet his Kindergarten teacher and walk around his new school a bit. He had no problems and seemed quite excited. He of course got a little shy but that is normal for him. Luckily a little girl from his Pre T-ball team from last spring is in his class so he kind of knows 1 other kid. I know he will probably do fine but how do you let go? I feel like I am sending him into unknown and uncontrolled territory! I won't be able to protect him much at all. He will become even more independent. I know our goal as parents is to raise happy, healthy, intelligent and independent kids but man is this hard! I want to keep them sheltered in my safety. It was so hard when they were born because they were no longer safe inside of me where I could protect them. Now I am sending my boy to a big place by himself. I am assured daily he will be fine. I have to keep telling myself that! I am preparing myself to cry a lot Monday morning but am hoping I can hide it at least a little bit from him!!!
We will enjoy our weekend with friends and I will try not to think about the fact that my baby is going to kindergarten!
Today, my little boy showed me how grown up he is. We went to meet his Kindergarten teacher and walk around his new school a bit. He had no problems and seemed quite excited. He of course got a little shy but that is normal for him. Luckily a little girl from his Pre T-ball team from last spring is in his class so he kind of knows 1 other kid. I know he will probably do fine but how do you let go? I feel like I am sending him into unknown and uncontrolled territory! I won't be able to protect him much at all. He will become even more independent. I know our goal as parents is to raise happy, healthy, intelligent and independent kids but man is this hard! I want to keep them sheltered in my safety. It was so hard when they were born because they were no longer safe inside of me where I could protect them. Now I am sending my boy to a big place by himself. I am assured daily he will be fine. I have to keep telling myself that! I am preparing myself to cry a lot Monday morning but am hoping I can hide it at least a little bit from him!!!
We will enjoy our weekend with friends and I will try not to think about the fact that my baby is going to kindergarten!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Growing Pains
What a night! Calleigh was up most of it crying off and on. She doesn't do this often but when she does you know she doesn't feel good. I tried snuggling with her and that helped for short periods. I finally got up to get her some Tylenol. She was not happy about taking some and lots went down the side of her face and into her hair - nice to clean out in the morning. After medicine we finally got about 3 hours of solid sleep! A tired mom in the middle of the night - this morning I went to put the "Tylenol" away. Oops! I didn't give her Tylenol, I gave her Triaminic!!! Guess that is why she was able to sleep well! I hate seeing my kids in pain. It is the toughest part of being a parent. Preston had a first today. His daycare camp went roller skating. I hated that I wasn't able to be there to see him. He said he had a blast and even showed me how he skated and fell!! Tonight he complained his feet hurt. So cute and so sleepy. Both of my babies are thankfully asleep so now it's time to catch up on some tv!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Just Getting Started
So I thought I might start this blog thing. I have no idea what I am doing but figured, why not try it? With my oldest getting ready to start kindergarten in a week there are lots of emotions going on so I thought I would share. Let's hope I am not too boring for you!!!
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