It's the most wonderful time of the year! Yes that is part of a song but what a true statement!! I absolutely love this time of year. The weather is getting cooler (sometimes still warm but for the most part I am NOT sweating!), Christmas decorations are going up, Christmas music is on the radio, the kids are just ecstatic about everything and it is a time where people are GIVING, not always taking or wanting!!!
I think this is going to be one of my favorite Christmases. The kids are really into it. They know that not only is God always watching you but so is Santa. Well, then there is our little friend the Elf! He watches them too. He came to visit us on Sunday. They were so excited to see him - they laugh at the places he moves to. Now the cheap mom that I am I did not buy the official elf on the shelf. last year I found a cheap stuffed elf and bought him for a couple of bucks. It's the idea, right?!! Everyday this week on our drive home from the sitter's house Calleigh about busts out of her seat each time she sees a house with lights up!! It is just so amusing to watch. I love that kid! They both have lots of ideas on what Santa will and should bring them. Some gifts they want they want Grandma to give them, not Santa. Too funny.
We went on Sunday to cut down our tree. Preston picked it out and it's perfect. Well, almost perfect. It is up in the house naked. No lights or decorations on it yet - hoping to do that this weekend!
Preston is doing great in Kindergarten. I had his IEP meeting today with his teacher and speech therapist. They just adore him! How could you not - he is the sweetest and cutest boy ever!!! He is writing sentences and sounding out the words to know how to spell them. I was amazed when I saw his journal. How far he has come in just a few months of school. I am so proud!
Calleigh is doing great at her preschool. She is learning some Spanish. She knows a few colors and numbers 1-10. Amazing. She is one smart cookie I tell you.
Both kids are excited about the baby. We are having another girl. Preston was a bit disappointed that it's a girl, even told me to have another one and it be a boy. Now I think he has accepted the fact and is looking forward to teaching her things like how to sit up and read!! He's an awesome big brother. Calleigh can't wait to play peek a boo with her!!
I think that is about everything for now. I am doing ok. I have been told I have placenta previa so am on a lifting and strenuous activity ban. I go back tomorrow for my monthly appointment. I want to know all the things I need to do to keep this baby safe. No strenuous activity or lifting is hard when you have 2 little ones but Terry has been great and has let me have some days on the weekends to relax. I need that as much as I can!!
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