Saturday we hit the beach. Waves were crazy and it was a double red flag. We didn't care. We just weren't going to let the kids get in past the knees. They were all so excited to be at the ocean. Preston even laid on his belly in the sand and water. I was so excited for them even though it was windy. Then along comes the beach patrol telling everyone to get out of the water. Bummer. So we went closer to the house and let the kids play in the sand there. One family was smart and brought an inflatable pool that we blew up and filled up with the hose. The kids loved this - it wasn't the same as the ocean but they got the sand and water, right? Problem only came after about an hour when they all started to get cold!
It rained off and on the whole weekend. Luckily it wasn't a constant rain but enough to drive you stir crazy. Our house had leaks so we had about 4 buckets in the living room catching the drips. I meant to take a picture of it and just never got around to it. I actually didn't get nearly as many pictures as I wanted (those that know me know I take pictures of everything!) Part of the reason is my camera battery died 1/2 way through Sunday. I had my charger. Until the following week I didn't realize that I put the battery in backwards in the charger therefore it didn't charge. I blame pregnancy head!
Sunday we looked for some indoor activities to do that would get us out of the house. Everyone else had the same idea I guess. We landed on a little Kids' Science Museum. I mean little too when you have all these people coming and going and it is set up like a house with lots of little rooms! The kids seemed to really enjoy it though. We were then off to an early dinner. Great restaurant. Dewey Destin I believe was the name. The kids loved the outside area where we waited. Afterward the men decided that they were no longer going to let the tropical storm win. Out to the ocean they went. Preston, Calleigh and I watched as Daddy went in the ocean. Preston got scared and kept saying he didn't want his Daddy to get lost. I think this came from the fact that the majority of our time we were laughing at the people going in the ocean and calling them crazy. Now it was us! Calleigh couldn't hold back any more. She ran to Daddy and went in with him. Terry said she had a ball. I had to go inside with Preston who after some time playing in the sand had a bout of diarrhea that needed to be bathed. Calleigh was just adorable though when they did come in - "Mommy, the ocean pulled down my pants!". I let her go in in her clothes and apparently one of the waves pulled her pants down. Where was I and my camera?!!
The kids hated to leave on Monday, mainly I think because they really didn't get the time they wanted/needed in the water. We went to IHOP for lunch then all left our various ways (I say various because we all live within a few miles of each other we apparently each get different GPS directions!). Traffic was a little crazy but the National Lampoon Vacation continued. We ignored GPS when it told us to get on 10 to go through Dothan. NO! That was the long way. We ended up on 10 because we came to a T intersection and I was 1/2 asleep so we turned right instead of left. UGH. Dothan and Eufaula were just a bunch of cars in small towns. Took us 6 1/2 hours to get home. One family made it in the 5 1/2 hours. The family that took 9 hours to get down there - went the short way home but their luck hit in Montgomery. They stopped for lunch and when they looked at their tires, one or 2 were bulging. Off to Walmart and a new set of tires. 3 hour wait. Another 9 hour trip.
I think we all need another trip with actual relaxing and sunshine! I must say, if I have to be stuck out of town in a tropical storm, we were stuck with some great friends (and great cookies!). Can't wait until next Labor Day for our next beach adventure together!
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