Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baby Lamb III

Well it is official.  There will be another member to our family come March 2012!  We have known for a couple of weeks but wanted to go to the doctor before we started to tell anyone.  This baby is a total surprise!  I have been on birth control so when I was late I was thinking we were pregnant - I'm never late, usually early!  We took 3 tests.  Yes, 3.  The first one was expired so to be sure I bought another box.  Of course since it had 2 we took one right away and another in the morning.  We are very excited.  Of course since it wasn't planned there is now a lot of planning to do!  What room will we put the baby in?  Will we find out what we are having?  We didn't with the other 2.  Names - we used both names we love!  We don't have back ups!  Daycare - Preston started kindergarten and Calleigh at a church preschool so who will keep the baby?  Luckily we have 9 months to think about it!!  We are still going to wait to tell the kids until our next doctor's appointment.  I am confident everything is fine but God forbid something did happen we want to wait so we don't have to explain that to the kids.  Although, they must be sensing things because Calleigh asked me yesterday if I had a baby in my tummy.  I ignored her.  Last week she told her Grandma she had a fat tummy and that she must have a baby in there!  Last Monday I was walking with the kids, holding their hands, and said I had my 2 babies.  Preston said "You can have 3 babies Mommy".  I am thinking their ears are working better than I think - they hear me talking to Terry and our families!  So, here's to playing the zone defense!!!  No more man to man coverage!!!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS you guys!!! there's not a luckier baby out there. Love you ~ Michelle
