Saturday Calleigh had her first dance class. She was excited but when we got there got to be her usual clingy self. I let her go to the assistant and just walked out of the room. She sat with her hands in her mouth for a little while but after about 20 minutes she started to participate. I was so proud of her because I was afraid it would take her a couple of classes to warm up. She got so into it she didn't want me taking her picture and hid behind the assistant! After class she didn't want to come with me and actually told me that she didn't want me to come next time! So grown and independent.
So we are on week 2 of kindergarten. Preston got a note yesterday and today about talking in line in the hallway. This surprises me because he is usually my quiet one! He told me the first time he was talking to himself, Monday to the wall and today to his friend in line in front of him. Oh my boy! He is doing well though and loves walking to his class by himself. At dinner tonight he asked if when he gets big if he can be a police man. I said sure. Then he said "Can I fix cars?". Of course you can. He then said, "what about building houses?". I told him he can do whatever he wants to do. It would not surprise me if he did all of the above!!! So interesting what they say they want to be.
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