I apologize for how long it has been since I have posted! I keep forgetting I started the blog. So, what has been happening.
Preston finished up his fall T-ball season. He really had fun and loved having Daddy be his coach. The highlight of his season of course was the end of season party. We met at the fields, played some wiffle ball with the parents, ate some pizza and then the trophies! Preston loves his. He has a shelf for all his trophies. For Halloween Preston was a race car driver. I have to say the cutest one I've ever seen!! I know he would love to race cars for real. He was able to go to school one evening and trick or treat around to the different classes. He loved being back at school. I hope his love of school continues - he got upset when we checked him out to take him to my ultrasound! He is reading several sight words and doing awesome with his phonics. Not sure when he grew up but man is he a big kid!!! We also got him some bunk beds and rearranged his room. He has more room now and if we have anyone visit we at least will have 1 bed ready!!
Calleigh loved her birthday. Not long after her birthday we redid her room to make it a big girl room. We took down the baby border and painted above the chair rail pink. Yes, pink because my daughter loves it - what a surprise! She now has a double bed. The little stinker had to point out that we didn't paint under the chair rail (it was a sage green). I said what would you want to paint it and she said purple. Sorry baby but it looks great the way it is. We can now start to look at the bonus room and get it ready for the baby. Calleigh loved Halloween. For most of the activities she was a gorgeous fairy. Halloween night I was a little tired of seeing the fairy costume so we put her in one of her princess dress up dresses. She of course was beautiful! She enjoyed trick or treating so much she keeps asking to go again! She is doing great with her preschool. She has learned a few words in Spanish. She is one smart little girl!
The baby. Well this baby is going to keep me on my toes. We had our 20 week ultrasound last Friday. It is another girl! Preston was a bit disappointed because he really wanted a little brother. He told me we could have another baby and have a boy. Sorry, son but this is it!!! The doctor told me that the nuchal measurement was a bit high so she wanted me to see a specialist. Yesterday Terry and I went. We were a little nervous as we were told that this measurement could be a sign of Down Syndrome. They did a 2D ultrasound. That was pretty cool. We got to see her face a little better. The ultrasound tech told me that she was looking for other abnormalities but did not see any - baby is growing (I am actually measuring 2 weeks ahead), bones look good, heart looks good. The doctor came in and said that based on the nuchal measurement and my age that I do have an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities. The only way to really know is to do an amniocentesis. Terry and I are still discussing but I am not sure I am ready to risk the baby at all to find out. I am confident she is FINE!!! I just will pray for her everyday and ask for friends and family to pray. The doctor also pointed out that I have marginal placenta previa. No lifting, strenuous activities or marital relations for a little while. They will have to do another ultrasound in a few weeks to check on it. I am hoping that as the baby and my uterus grow it will correct itself. If not it could lead to bed rest and a c-section. I would love to have a vaginal birth and can't imagine bed rest!!! So, fingers crossed and prayers that this corrects itself.
That is the gyst of what has been going on with the Lambs the last couple of months. Right now it is almost time for the house divided football game - Auburn vs. UGA! Good thing my husband and I love each other enough that it NEVER effects our relationship. I have heard how couples don't talk and get mad at each other - doesn't make sense. It's just a game. Granted I have a strong hatred for UGA but couldn't change my love for my husband because he roots for the wrong team!!!